Best Practices for Video Annotation for Computer Vision Datasets


Video annotation can provide lots of value as a type of visual data however, it's also among the most complicated with its own specific difficulties to process for training purposes in models and also providing specific input variables with precisely labeled and well-labeled datapoints. Find out the most effective methods of making video annotation easier and getting the best worth from every single frame that any Computer Vision (CV) project requirements.

Video Annotation Approaches

The Foundations of Video Annotation

When it comes to Video Annotation is involved there are two distinct methods that are the most popularly used and accepted using the single image technique and continuous frame it is also known as the multi-frame method or streamed method. Single frame is thought of as an older technique which annotators used before automated tools or products that were market-ready were made available. However, continuous frame methods have increased in popularity over the last few years, partly due to its integration with automation tools as well as annotation frameworks.

Single Image Annotation

The conventional method of video annotation that was widely used by the ML industry prior to the possibility of automating and efficiently optimizing the traditional practice, is called"single image" (or frame) method. Although it isn't effective or efficient in terms of cost and resources however, it did get the job done, as it was. The process involves two regular steps: removing each frame from video before annotating the frames with images by using standard methods of annotation for images. The method was flawed and undoubtedly simple, so much that it served in the wrong direction as an industry standard. Perhaps because of this, the technique has earned the reputation of being outdated or overly complicated in the video annotation process. However, labeling teams do use it occasionally and especially when precision is required in the context of small-scale or specialty projects.

Continuous Frame Annotation

Continuous frame is achieved by noting video data in the form of streams of frames, focusing on the quality of the information that is being recorded and analyzed. This technique is often discussed alongside automation technology because the continuity of information and flow between frames can be more easily maintained in this way. But even automated systems require specific techniques to evaluate each frame, such as optical flow, which facilitates the process of identifying objects in the beginning of a video , which disappears but then reappears in the video. This creates a distinct contrast from the single-image method, where recurring objects can be misinterpreted as multiple objects when they really count as one.

A Look at Video Annotation Best Practices

While video annotation is lauded for its capability and the significant advantages of capturing motion image data, it's known to be more challenging to handle. Labeling teams have to determine the contents in Video Dataset, but also identify and synchronize the objects to ensure consistency between frames and ensure that the objects don't get mistakenly labeled on the subsequent frames. There are, however, technology advancements that will automate important parts that are involved in annotation making it possible for video segments to be properly labeled with minimal human involvement. Continue reading to discover practical methods to make a video annotation process that could seem more complicated and cumbersome than the advantages it has over other types of annotations is worth.

The Right Tools

When annotating when annotating any video footage regardless of the purpose or application it's designed for, the primary factor to be aware of is the tools that the disposal of a group to speed up the fundamental annotation process. Since the single-frame method mentioned within this post was based on by manual methods of annotation however, the shortcomings of these practices also transfer into the video realm. With the appropriate software for annotation, the tedious process of annotations on specific frames can be handed over to AI-based auto-labeling that does routine labeling with less effort and with less effort than the normal labor-intensive tasks needed by labelers. Auto-labeling capabilities can draw on techniques that can cut down processing time by simply noting the beginning and end of sequences , and using interpolation, a method of automating the calculation of dimensions and changes in position between keyframes.

Selecting an Object Detection Technique

There are some techniques for detecting objects that are commonly used for video annotation. Some are standard and common like Bounding Boxes keys, polygons, and bounding boxes however, some be more unique and specialized for the type of data, for instance, 3D cuboids. Selecting the appropriate method for detecting objects is crucial to the flexibility of annotation tools that are available to label teams in addressing the specific content of each video, and often at the individual frame level. The ability to customize annotation strategies based on the specific requirements of the project's data training is essential to analyze data in the most efficient way to ensure the quality of the final product and the application. Check out the specifics of each object detection technique , and their most relevant data-related situations and contents for bicycles that travel on roads properly identified by pedestrians or appropriate levels of shelving that industrial robots must distinguish for the purpose of completing manufacturing tasks and safely navigate around their surroundings.

Bounding Boxes

The most commonly used and most basic type of annotation that can be used for any type of data are bounding boxes, which is a basic rectangular box designed to hold the object inside its frame. To be used for video annotation the bounding box is a great choice as an all-purpose annotation method. It's also very adaptable for this purpose and it's easy to draw to when labeling a range of objects provided there's no worry that background elements of the image or video don't interfere with the details of the data. To summarize Bounding boxes can be employed as a multi-purpose identification tool, specifically, any object which a model might encounter and must recognize at a glance and to a limited degree. For example, cars, pets human figures, physical structures such as buildings.


Contrary to bounding box which are adequate to accommodate a variety of items that's easy and commonplace, polygons were specifically designed for irregularly-shaped ones. In general, the polygon is a close-shape and is composed of line segments that are joined. Polygons are flexible, significantly more than bounding boxes. They are also flexible, allowing labelers to form the polygons in a complicated manner and also annotate more complicated or unorthodox objects in video. Another characteristic of the polygon technique that is provided by Superb AI Suite Superb AI Suite, is the "union function." This function can be used to assist in notating overlaid objects simpler. In addition "subtract function" is designed to make annotation easier "subtract function" comes in handy when you need to segment objects that have unique characteristics like holes.


Keypoint is a keypoint method is one that adds in the value of video annotations, in particular. Because the primary goal of annotations on video content is tracking objects that are "moving" between frames. Keypoints are utilized to identify crucial "points" within the shape of an object, they're perfect to track the particular contents of each object and how they change positions. To help labelers monitor movement even more precisely in video data keypoint skeletons can be another idea which is often used. For instance, if an algorithm needs to be trained to understand the movements of a player who is playing a sport the keypoint skeleton may be constructed; a set connected "points" that profile the person's physique by its postures during the sport. This way it is possible to track movements with annotations that are tracked even more closely.

Video Annotation accuracy with GTS.AI

Global Technology Solutions (GTS.AI) provides all types of data collection including Image Data,, and Video Transcription services. We also offer audio transcription and Data Annotation Services . Are you looking to outsource image data collection tasks? Global Technology Solutions is your one-stop source for AI data collection and annotations for AI and ML.


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