Primary Duties of a GTS.AI that provides DATA ANNOTATION SERVICES


The central part of machine learning is data annotation. An ML model will get more accurate with more information. GTS.AI is expertise in giving Data annotation services. Our services are spread around the world. Our professionals can provide quality work. Machine learning models use massive amounts of data, much as humans learn through education and repetition.

Compared with its rivals in the field, like Yahoo or Bing (Microsoft's Google search engine), Google has a large amount of information, which is one of the main reasons it's still the most effective search engine. Google provides users with the most accurate results for searches that are closely matched to their search queries because of the data. Other websites also use data annotation to improve their algorithms, allowing them to serve users' needs.

How Data Annotation Services helps you in Business

GTS.AI company deals with big data and appreciates Data Annotation Services. We will assist you in arranging and capturing information, which will eventually help you work more efficiently. Structured content is tagged using annotation tools so that both computers and humans can easily read and comprehend it. Various types of data are classified or labeled in the annotation process to make the information not structured easier to understand. One significant issue that will solve in this process is finding the appropriate kind and quantity of information to feed machine learning models. Be aware that the type and amount of data you provide to these models can affect the final results of the tasks they are used to accomplish.

GTS.AI company provides sufficient amounts of data to train various kinds of AI and ML models to tackle these issues. Our company offers high-quality data to develop AI or ML models using a human-assisted method and machine learning. GTS.AI also provides maintenance and deployment services for AI and  ML models and training data for models.

What type of Data Annotation Services does GTS.AI provide

  • Image annotation
  • Video Annotation
  • Text Annotation
  • Audio Annotation

Image annotation

GTS.AI will provide excellent Image annotation services. Our experts are highly talented in data annotation services. It is a technique that automatically adds metadata to digital images through captions or keywords. Data labelers use metadata tags to identify the features of data that are being fed to an AI or ML model to help it recognize objects in the same way a human would. When the system receives new data, it uses the tagged photos to acknowledge those traits.

Video annotation

GTS.AI has a tremendous experience in video annotation. We can handle bulk Video annotation projects because we also have experienced professionals for video annotation services. Video annotation allows each object to be identified, noted, and given a name. We assist you in automatically recognizing moving objects in video by computers and machines. Simply put, a human annotator watches a video and classifies each frame. Then, they gather them into category of various Dataset For Machine Learning that are already identified. These data are used to train machine-learning algorithms.  It can enhance the visual data by adding tags that contain important information about each frame.

Text Annotation

Text annotation is a crucial feature of machine learning algorithms that can better understand text data. Text annotation is often used in workflows for entity identification. Part-of-speech tagging and categorization of entities. Annotated datasets are used to prepare machines for human-to-human communication. The project standards state that the data is separated into the appropriate categories (phrases, sentences, and keywords) during the text annotation process. 


GTS.AI will offer services for audio annotation. It organizes audio components into categories that computers can comprehend. Our creative team can quickly generate an audio annotation. Compared to audio transcription, it is distinct. It transforms verbally spoken text into written text. Audio annotation can provide crucial details about an audio file, such as semantic, phonetic, and discourse information. Audio annotation can provide metadata about the entire audio file and information about individual annotations.

Final Words

Global Technology Solutions (GTS.AI) uses video and image annotations in our games to provide an accurate and precise analysis of the activities played in tracks, courts, rings, and other play spaces. The study is then used to design more sophisticated analysis tools to analyze human postures, identify human actions, and the selection of new players. We provide all kinds of data collection such as Image Data collection, Video Dataset, Speech Data collection, and text dataset along with audio transcription and ocr datasets. Get in touch with GTS.AI, your one-stop shop for AI data gathering and annotation services for your AI and ML.


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