Image Annotation for Machine Learning

What Is Image Annotation

Annotating images is an essential component of Artificial Intelligence development, and it is among the fundamental functions of the field of computer vision. Images that are annotated help create machine learning algorithms that can detect objects in images and provide computers with the ability to see similar to what we humans see.

Manual annotation of images is time-consuming and costly, particularly when the number of images to be annotated is very large. For the techno-savvy, we've included the descriptions of some of these tasks below.

annotation of images (AIA is also referred to as automatic image tag) is the method by which computers automatically assign metadata to an image (captions as well as labels) by using keywords to describe the visual content. Find out more about captioning of images automatically within our blog post.

Image annotation algorithms that exist today are divided into two groups:

  • models-based learning techniques are used to study the connection between visual elements and their semantic significance to identify an image-based mapping function by using machines training or models of knowledge to help with image annotation;
  • Database-based models are able to provide the possibility of labels based on the annotated images stored in the database.

AI annotation tools enable users to label images faster and at a higher efficiency taking over the bulk of the manual processes and can further be taught to "translate" new images with greater precision.

How can I Annotate an Image?

How can you mark up the image? An image annotation is the process of the process of adding a meaningful label or the tag of an image which assists a machine in understanding what's depicted in the image. The label could indicate which object the image depicts and where the object is situated in the photo, or the shape of the object.

A typical image has an array of labels which define the particulars. One example is that one label could identify an individual in the image and the other that defines the vehicle. In some instances one label may be enough to describe the image (e.g. to be used to help with image classification).

Images Annotation Types

The kind of annotation to be utilized will depend on the type of data that you are working with and the purpose that the company is trying to achieve. Here are some of the most popular kinds of annotations for images. We've provided them with examples from our work and also brief videos that demonstrate the actual implementation of each task.

1. Image Classification

This is done by applying an appropriate label to the entire image. The aim in image classification is train an ML algorithm to identify what's depicted on an image and to group the collection photographs into groups.

For instance just a few months ago we had a Client developing a deep-learning algorithm to classify a set of handwritten alphabets in a variety of languages and all using an alphabet called the Latin alphabet. Although binary image classification tasks (when you categorize every image by comparing them to, say the word "dog" or"cat") are simpler (when you classify all images as depicting, for example "cat") Multiclass classification is generally more difficult and requires a larger dataset and more time to make the appropriate annotation. That means that in the context of this assignment we looked through thousands of images with various letters to identify the letters they had and then to classify them into various classes.

2. Semantic Segmentation

If every pixel in an image is assigned to a particular class, this process is called semantic segmentation. This means that you are presented with an array of classifications that are applied to the entire image.

An excellent illustration of the use of semantic segmentation can be the case of a client from Label Your Data who was involved in the design for an autonomous vehicle. The objective of the assignment was to identify the data set using more than a dozen tags, such as "vehicle", "human", "building", "road", "object", and so on. In the end, this algorithm has been trained in order to discriminate among the various meaningful objects to allow evaluation of the environment.

3. Bounding Boxes

Inscribing an object of interest in a two-dimensional frame implies it's bound boxes or 2D boxes. This is among the most popular image annotation tasks , and can be utilized for the tracking of objects for video annotation.

We were presented with a strange example of bounding boxes the client Construction company assigned us to label some thousand images. The goal was to help support the safety guidelines for construction sites. The objective was to document any instances in which Construction workers were wearing their safety helmets working on the site.

4. 3D Cuboids

The annotation of images is similar to the previous task but with the exception of frames that contain 3D objects. Instead of a frame with the four corners, this one is drawn as three-dimensional boxes that identify objects and determines their place within space.

One of our clients tasked us with noting separate video frames that had 3D cuboids in order to frame every vehicle. The frames that contained 3D cuboids later were used as object detection to determine the position and location of vehicles in the video footage of Traffic cameras.

5. Polygons

Polygonal annotations are commonly employed to determine not only the exact location of the object within the image but also its form. The purpose of polygons is to sketch the outline of the object. This allows for a precise sketch of what the object is.

We were working with a real-estate company working on an option for customers based on the desired design of the interior. To do this we used our Label Your Data team annotated different household items like couches, lamps, chairs cushions, vases and so on. We used polygons as outline for the object and define the look of the object.

Things You Have to Know About Image Annotation Tools

In a world in which AI projects are becoming an essential requirement for every company that wishes to be at the forefront of their field Image annotation is among of the areas of importance. The application possibilities to image annotation is almost endless. In the realm of facial recognition through safety controls and the real estate industry to health, almost any industry that does not have need for annotation of images.

In short it's adding relevant tags to photos or images in order to assist a computer in understanding what's displayed on them. This is a way to create training data which computers use to understand and then make predictions. The kind of image annotation is dependent on the project you are working on. It could be something basic such as bounding boxes or semantic segmentation, or more intricate annotation type like landmarks, polygons, or landmarks.


Global Technology Solutions (GTS) provide Quality Datasets with image and video annotation services in all major languages our data annotation can be accessed in over 200 languages globally ranging from English, Chinese, Japanese, Deutsch, French, Italian, Russian, Korean, Spanish, Indonesian, Dutch, Arabic, Turkish, German, Vietnamese, Greek, and many more.


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